Thursday 18 August 2016

First Week Back!

This is the end of the first week back at school after the summer holiday. Both CM1 and CM2 have settled back into the swing of school life very quickly. In fact, many of them told me how excited they were to be back at school! That's great! School should be a fun place where children are eager to learn!

I will be updating the blog on a rotating bi-weekly basis for each class. For example, when CM1 are with me on a Friday, then that is the day I will make a blog post dedicated to them. This week CM2 are with me today, so the focus will be on them.

CM2 started off the school year with some holiday recounts and an reintroduction to the different types of lines used in geometry: horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting. From this basis, they will be learning more about angles and geometry.

They also started their new classroom reader: Ratburger! This is a fun and exciting book filled with some interesting themes that we can explore together. I've asked CM2 to make sure that they stick to the reading schedule, and that they only read the chapters I tell them. They are welcome to read ANY book in the library as fast (or as slow!) as they want, but for the purposes of our class discussions, we need to stay on the same page for this book.

Here are some pictures of them exploring the chapters with the aid of some reading comprehension questions. They also seem to like our new class furniture!

Finally, please remember that Monday, August 22 is the date of our first class meeting. I hope to see you all there!

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