Thursday 25 August 2016

Week 2 - Friday with CM1!

The speed of the school semester seems to be getting faster! Week 2 has flown by! This week CM1 have continued to get more comfortable with the online resources we're using for the homework. I think they're getting the hang of using their emails more often, and they seem to be able to find their way around Mathletics, No Red Ink and Spellodrome. I give them time to complete their online homework during our weekly ICT class, so the load shouldn't be too heavy.

We've continued with the class reading book, Clockwork, and they've been working on the reading comprehension questions in small groups. In Maths, they've been polishing their understanding of writing 7 digit numbers as words, and they've started to create some word problems of their own. In Geography, they were introduced to what we will be doing on a grand scale, and over the next few months we will be narrowing the focus to a more local level. In Science class, they explored the Scientific Method and they did a little Galileo-inspired experiment. They will be choosing their own experiment next time.

On Friday, they were introduced to Genius Hour. In this class they are given the opportunity to learn about ANYTHING they want. The only structure is what they need to produce: a poster, a model, an explanation and a presentation. They may need to do some of the work for this at home, so please support them with their projects.

Here are some photos of CM1 at work during Maths class. They were all working on different stations, and rotated around the classroom every 15 minutes. This will form the structure for most maths classes this year, and it should give me the opportunity to really give more specific help and challenges to the students.

Anyway, it was nice to see everyone at the parents meeting on Monday. I look forward to a happy, productive, inspiring and hard-working year! Enjoy the weekend!

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