Thursday 8 September 2016

This Week's Learning...With CM1!

I have really been impressed with the great attitude of CM1 so far. They have positive attitudes, work hard, and seem to enjoy learning. Well done, CM1!

In maths class, CM1 have continued to review how to write numbers as words up to 8 digits. This has been extended into creating their own word problems, solving maths puzzles, and developing their understanding of place value. We have been doing a lot of station-based work, so I think they enjoy the variety of activities that they can tackle in each class. They have also received extra support in these sessions from both myself and Joy, the EAL teacher. Here's a good video that explains how to use place value:

Guided Reading
CM1 have continued to read and study their class reading book, Clockwork. This great little novel is starting to get spooky and exciting, and I think CM1 are enjoying it. I usually read a few pages to them in class to help create the atmosphere of the novel, and then they answer some comprehension questions on these pages with their reading partner. This is supplemented by their own reading of the novel at home.

CM1 have continued to discover the world with the aid of Google Earth. This week they've been on a scavenger hunt to some world renowned landmarks, and they have recorded the countries, continents and capital cities they visited on these expeditions. We did this in small groups, so each student got to be involved in learning. After finishing this activity, we will start to look at the local geography around Taipei. I feel a field trip is on the horizon...

In ICT class, I have been encouraging CM1 to become more confident with using their school email to communicate. I usually email them an outline of what to do in each ICT class, and they have started to get used to this system. I think most of them can remember their log-in details now! Hoo-ray! During this class, I also let them use some of the time to work on their on-line homework. This allows me to monitor how they are using the websites, and it also allows them to spread the workload. I really believe Mathletics, Spellodrome and No Red Ink are excellent ways to supplement their learning. For the most part, the activities are fun, wide-ranging and challenging. Also, they give immediate feedback to help them with their learning. This generation's children are 'digital natives', so incorporating ICT in their learning is imperative.

This week, CM1 continued to learn about the Scientific Method. We reviewed the steps from the previous class, and applied them to answer an everyday question. I put the students into small groups, and we worked in the Science Lab. They came up with a range of questions, and then they chose one that they could test their hypotheses on. The question was: 'What makes Mr. Stracey the angriest?' Over the next few months, they will be applying the steps they have learned to a number of scientific topics. I think they will enjoy this hands-on way of learning science.

Creative Writing
Last week, they started building a word bank with vocabulary that they can use in their creative writing. Next week, they'll be using this resource to help them with their descriptive texts that will accompany their artwork.

Headspace and Yoga
CM1 have also continued their journey in meditation. We did 10 minutes of Headspace today, and the feedback they've been giving me is good. They said that they feel more relaxed, calm and ready to work after taking 10 minutes on Friday afternoon to go through the levels on Headspace. Here they are finding peace...

Here's the video that explains the introduction to meditation:

As Bastien was away today, I also took this opportunity to do some yoga with CM1 in PE class. I showed them some stretches and warm-up activities, and then took them through the poses of a Sun Salutation. I gave them a worksheet demonstrating the poses that they can practice at home for homework. Here's a nice video that can help them too...

Namaste, everyone! Have a great weekend!

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